Thursday, April 26, 2012


By Julie Ruocco, Account Executive

The “G” word has been the most feared term in my vocabulary as of lately. I’ll just go ahead and say it – graduation. Fewer than 30 days separate me from the most anxiety-filled, exhilarating and perplexing time in my life. As I near the end of my college experience, I reminisce about what made these four years great:
  • Greek life.  What I’ve received from being Greek is far more than cute T-shirts and a busy social calendar. Greek life has opened many doors for me and has resulted in friendships and a sense of belonging that will extend far beyond graduation. My sense of confidence, communication skills and leadership can be directly attributed to the core values learned from being Greek.
  • Department of Journalism & PR.  Not only has the faculty given me a multitude of skills on using various media, but the program has given me hands-on experience that is rare in the college realm. Besides the strong skill set taught, more than anything the program has given me incredible passion I plan to take on in the journalism field. 
  • Work.  Believe  it or not, working throughout college has been extremely positive. Besides earning some extra income, managing work, school and internships has allowed me to develop great multitasking abilities which is something invaluable in the public relations industry.

Although what’s to happen in the next couple of weeks is unclear, I am confident in myself and my experiences acquired in the past four years. The “G” word, although looming, doesn't seem quite as scary when I look at what’s been accomplished.

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